CUC Eastern Tasmania

St Helens has been selected as one of 10 locations for a new Regional University Study Hub to give East Coast residents better access to tertiary and vocational education.

Project Y

Our new program is aimed at youth under 25, with a focus on developing career plans, connecting with locals businesses and exploring training and study options.

Training Courses and Workshops

You can now find information about upcoming training courses and workshops in the local area on our events calendar. Please get in touch if you would like your event added, or if you need help accessing a course.

Useful Links

Got an idea you’d like to get off the ground? Started a business, but need some advice? Visit the Break O’Day Business Enterprise Centre for advice, guidance, mentorship and networking opportunities.

VIA Institute on Character offers a FREE survey that can help you find out your character strengths today. Knowing your strengths can help you to decide what industry to work in and what you can offer your employer.

University of Tasmania is now offering the Schools Recommendation Program. This enables year 12 students to apply for up to five courses at the end of May. Each application will be reviewed based on your school’s recommendation and year 11 results, instead of ATAR.

The Van Diemen Project is focused on empowering Tasmanians to do great things, especially through;

  • Starting a brand new business.
  • Scaling an existing business.
  • Sustaining your business through contemporary business advice.
  • Supporting through events and workshops.

Download free resume templates here. You can edit them to suit your experience and personality. We are available if you would like any help with writing your resume.

Our local libraries run a range of free events and services, to help with literacy, digital literacy, computers and more, with friendly and trained volunteers. Search the events at St Marys, St Helens and Bicheno libraries here.

The local CFLC is a fantastic place to access a range of services. A supportive environment for children, parents and carers, they are a source of educational courses, information and networking opportunities, run by locals for locals. Find out more here.